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Uganda Virus Research Institute


Survey Call: Help Develop Equitable Research Funding Priorities on Infectious Diseases Sources and Drivers Across the World

Scientist in a workshop at UVRI

Wellcome is seeking to find equitable research funding opportunities for infectious diseases sources and drivers. The first part of this exercise includes a survey and it will be followed up by a face-to-face workshop.

It will be great if you and more African regional partners share their views to shape this area. Would you kindly respond to this survey and also share with the rest of your teams and networks?

What Research on Sources and Drivers of Escalating Infectious Disease Threats should be Prioritised for Funding?

This survey is also available in French, Spanish and Portuguese, please see below links. 

French: Quelles recherches sur les sources et les moteurs de l'escalade des menaces de maladies infectieuses devraient être financées en priorité?

Spanish: Fuentes y causas de las enfermedades infecciosas: ¿cuáles deberían ser las prioridades en investigación para recibir financiamiento?

Portuguese: Que pesquisas sobre fontes e disparadores de ameaças crescentes de doenças infecciosas devem ser priorizadas para financiamento